This website is dedicated to telling the story of the family Leijel in Sweden

Many people in Sweden are related to Leijel by four brothers, Jacob, Adam, David and Henrik who came to Sweden
in year 1638 from the town and Royal Burgh of Aberbrothock (Today: Arbroath. In Gaelic: Aberbrothick) in Scotland.

Arbroath - 'The Prospect of ye Town of Aberbrothick'

Prospectus Oppidi ABERBROTHIÆ.
The Prospect of ye Town of ABERBROTHICK.
Image from Theatrum Scotiae by John Slezer, 1693

Arbroath was once known by its Gaelic name of 'Aberbrothick', 'the mouth of the Brothock [Burn]'. The view here is from the south. There's an expanse of farmland between the buildings and Slezer's viewpoint of Dinland Hill. The historic town stretches from the harbour wall on the right to the dwellings just past the ruins of Arbroath Abbey on the left.
Almost in the centre is the spire of Arbroath Parish Church. The double row of houses to the left of centre, leading towards the front of the drawing, is Millgate. The main road from Dundee is on the right, passing over the Lady Bridge to join Marketgate. Farming figures in the foreground include men with packs and a man leading a horse-drawn plough.