Sir Joseph Wilson Swan – His Life and Inventions

Invented and manufactured light bulbs two years before Edison. Won case in British court over Edison.
Swan was knighted in 1904 and awarded the Hughes Medal the same year.
The author of this paper would like to add that he had a special interest in researching the life of Joseph Wilson Swan — the youngest sister of Sir Joseph, Emma Swan, born 1837, was the author’s great-Grandmother.
A few things about Lord Salisbury and his Swedish relatives

Article fron the newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" 21 March about the relationship between the "Swedish" Leijel's and lord Salisbury
Henry Leyel and the Two Princess

Henry Leyel was director of the East India Company from 1710 to 1730. He is mentioned by name in the minutes of the East India Company`s Board of Directors and Proprietors in connection with the debate on opening up trade to Southeast Africa and with the question of how to return the Princes to Delagoa
Music Process 1800

The waves the French Revolution created also led the periphery of Europe to a ripple on the surface of the otherwise tranquil Uppsala. Lars F. Leijel, Director of Music became involved in the "game" that th Junta, an association Republican students did at the celebrations in Uppsala Gustaf IV Adolf's coronation.
The Discovery of Sweden’s Largest Treasure
In October 1937 two construction workers, Westerberg and Karlsson, were doing repair work in a former potato shop at Lilla Nygatan 5 in Gamla Stan, Stockholm. As they broke through an old concrete floor in the basement of the shop they discovered an immense hoard of silver coins and silver pieces hidden below the floor.
Swedish Properties inherited by Henrik Leijel (1717-1803) from his mother Hedwig Lucia née Lohe (1684-1770) and sold to Baron Gustaf Celsing in 1781
Henrik Adamsson Leijel decided to leave Sweden and settle in England.
A love story from the 1600s Älvkarleby
The maiden Anna Leijel’s marriage to the Mine Bailiff Holm put the vicar out of office.
Extract from the book Nemesis Divina (Carl von Linné)
Notes regarding Leijel in Nemesis Divina.