The Leijel family by Oscar Strokirk (1860-1902)In Scotland at the beginning of the 16th century there lived an old baronetcy of the name Lyell. An official, Adam Lyell, in the village of Aberbrothok2 was considered to belong to this baronetcy and displayed its coat-of-arms. He was married to Bessie Braun, the daughter of Jacob Braun, a merchant in Aberbrothok. He had three sons3, Henric Lyell and Baltzar Lyell, both of whom became directors of the English-East India Company, obtained great wealth, but died childless. Patrik Lyell, baillee in Aberbrothok, was probably his father's immediate successor to the title and was married to Euphemia Symson, the daughter of Jacob Symson in Aberbrothok and Janette Rynd. This marriage was blessed with four sons, who settled in Sweden in 1638, and became distinguished traders, changing their family name from Lyell to Leijel. The name Leijel had already occurred before in Sweden. A Cavalry Captain Leijel was engaged in 1597 to Brita Sjöblad, the daughter of Ulf Sjöblad of Flishult in Småland who was married to Agneta Drake of the ancient Drake family and lived without office. Her brother, Nils Sjöblad, died 1647, had three of his sons and himself reenobled when the The House of Nobility was enacted in 1625 and introduced under the number 75. About this Cavalry Captain fate and whether Captain Leijel was connected to Patrik Lyell of Aberbrothok, nothing is so far known. Patrik Lyell’s four sons were: Three of them, namely Jacob, David and Henric, founded at the House of Nobility three ennobled or naturalized lineages; Leijel Nr: 1531, 1532 and 1533. They are all extinct. Adam Leijel's family lineage has likewise expired. I. Jacob Leijel, born in 1612, died 1678, was a tradesman in Stockholm, and owner of Elfkarleby and Härnäs mills. Elfkarleby works on the Dalelfven river, near its outlet into the sea, is located in Elfkarleby parish in Uppland on the border with Gestrikland. It was built in 1659-1669 on an island in Dalelfven by the accountant in the Board of Mines Clas Depken, enobled as Anckarström Nr: 987, who in 1671 founded the Axmars works in Gestrikland and in 1676 Söderfors works in Uppland. He seems to have shared the mills with Jacob, David and Henric Leijel. When Clas Depken died childless in 1702 Elfkarleby works became solely owned by the Leijel dynasty, where it stayed until 1772 when it was sold to the wholesaler in Stockholm Thomas Tottie. Harnäs works, also located in Elfkarleby Parish at Dalelfven river, 2,4 miles distant from Elfkarleby works right next to the river outlet, was founded in 1659, by Clas Depken and Jacob Leijel, who became the works patron at Hammarby Mill near the town of Nora after his father-in-law, Anders Dress (see below). Jacob Leijel received a “birth letter” in 1655 from Scotland, attesting to his and his brothers' noble descent. He was married twice, first in 1644 with Margaret Edén, born 1627 in Uppsala, died in 168313 in Stockholm, the daughter of alderman in Uppsala Claus Edén, enobled Edenberg Nr. 617, born 1598, died 1677 at Kipplinberg in Bälinge parish, Kättslinge in Vendel parish and Brunby in Börje parish, all in Uppland, in his first marriage with Gertrud Sulchen, born 1609, died in 1650. Claus Edenberg's second marriage was to Anna Schroderus, died in 1681; daughter of the well-known book printer and writer, translator and palace secretary in Stockholm, Master Ericus Benedict Schroderus, brother of Gustaf Adolphus's teacher, later councilor Johan Skytte, and the governor Lars Benktsson, enobled Skytte af Sätra Nr. 154. In 1655 Jacob Leijel concluded a second marriage with Barbara Maria Dress, born in 1632 in Gyttorp in Nora parish and mining district, and died in Stockholm in 1694. Her parents were the tenants of Nora and Linde mining areas, which then were crown domains, namely the owner André or Anders Dretz or Dress, died 1652, and Elisabeth Schaeij, died 1673. Anders Dress was originally from France and came to Sweden during Gustaf II Adolf’s reign and was probably an assistant to the renowned Swedish iron industrialist Louis De Geer. Dress received from him in 1631 the leasehold of all the crown’s interests and income from the Nora and Linde mining areas, including the crown’s works, smelting houses, mines and farms and this lease was renewed continually throughout Dress’s life. In the beginning of this tenure he stayed at Gyttorp, which was then a significant crown property, but then in 1632 he purchased the so called “Fogdetorpet”, current Hammarby farm adjacent to Nora, including the hammer works and forges there as well as in other places in the area, from Christopher Anders Geijer for 150 barrels of wrought iron Hammarby became the center for his activities. He constantly purchased farms together with mines and hammer forges, so that when Queen Kristina issued her donation letter in 1650, Anders Dress owned significant property in both Nora and Linde mining regions. Shortly thereafter he died. He was married to Elisabeth Schaeij, died 1673, daughter of Councillor and trader in Arboga Peter Schaeij, born 1613 in Bommeln in Geldern in Holland, died 1673 in Arboga, owner of Oppbågahammars works in Fellingsbro. From his first marriage, Jacob Leijel had two daughters. Oldest daughter Margareta4, born 1645, died 1674, concluded a marriage, which brought a large dowry, with the Bishop of Vesterås Dr Johannes Brodinus, born 1619, died 1680, in his second marriage. His first marriage was with Elisabeth Emporagius, died 1662, daughter of the bishop of Vesterås Dr. Erik Emporagius, his third in 1676 with Anna Schultin, daughter of a priest in Hedemora, Master Olaus Schultin, and she survived him and concluded a new marriage with Archbishop and hymn writer Hakvin Spegel. Johannes Brodinus was court chaplain of Queen Christina and Charles X Gustaf, whom he accompanied during the campaign in Poland in 1656. The following year he became superintendent of Gottland and when the Danes in 1676 took possession of the island, he was made a prisoner of war and was taken along with his wife and children to Copenhagen. There he was detained for more than a year before he was released. During the return journey he must stay in Malmo, which then was besieged by the Swedish and endure the siege, during which, the three youngest of his nine children with Gertrud Leijel, Erik, Adam and Gabriel, were snatched away by a plague. As compensation for their hardships Johan Brodinus was given the Bishop’s throne of Västerås by Charles XI in 1678. An additional two of his children died at a young age, namely Gertrud and Elisabeth. The other four were two sons, Johan and Pehr, which, according to Munktell’s Westerås Diocesan Herdaminne »resembled himself little to merit" and two daughters Margareta and Elizabeth. The eldest son Johan Brodin, born 1664 in Lärbro Bishop’s Farm in Gottland, »spent 1692 in Paris, and had been given a lieutenant’s position here at home, but was arrested for debt, then a sister wanted to redeem him with 300 Rdr.» According to a preserved family note about all Gertrud Leijel’s descendants, Johan Brodin was »Clerk in Royal Military Board 1693, died unmarried in Stockholm». In another note, apparently a more reliable source, it is said, »that he was second Lieutenant at Cronobergs regiment and died in Finland in 1708, unmarried». The youngest son Pehr Brodin, born in 1670 in Lärbo Bishop’s Farm »was proposed to be a medic, then unknown», according to Munktell. This information is probably incorrect. Pehr Brodin was namely Lieutenant at Colonel Clerck’s Regiment, acting captain at Kronoberg regiment 1700, captain and company commander of the South Sunnesbo company 1708, and was killed at Pultava in 1709. The oldest of the two daughters Margareta, born 1666, died 1705, was married in 1686 to the mayor at first in Hedemora, then in Vesterås, Anders Barck, born in 1655, died in 1718, and the youngest, Elizabeth, born 1669, died 1747, was married twice, the first time in 1697 to the merchant in Hedemora Anders Hedendahl, born in 1655, died 1713, the second time in 1723 to Olof Delin, born 1666 in Larsbo mill in Dalarne, Captain in Major General Hjelm's Dragoon Regiment, prisoner at Pultava 1709, returned home in 1722 after peace and was promoted to Major. Jacob Leijels youngest daughter of his first marriage to Margaret Edén, Margareta Leijel, was married to e.o. bank Commissioner Johan Gerdes, born in 1687. Their grandson was the president of the Svea Court of Appeal Johan Gerdes born 1698, died 1768, enobled as Baron Gerdesköld. Jacob Leijel also received in his second marriage two daughters, namely Eva Maria and Maria. The oldest, Eva Maria, born 1660, died 1744, came in 1686 in the bridal chair with merchant in Stockholm Robert Petre, died in 1716, related to that in Sweden widely spread family Petre, originally derived from Johan Petre of Torbigon in Devonshire in England, who lived at the end of the 15th century. The youngest Maria, born in 1664 (according to Anrep, in 1657), died in 1740, was married twice, the first time in 1683 with the merchant in Stockholm, master at Hammarby Mill Sven Björnsson Möhlman, born 1636 in Hyndevads Mill in Södermanland, died in 1687 in Stockholm and buried in the tomb of Leijel in Storkyrkan, in his second marriage (married the first time in 1676 with Adriana Verslens from Holland, died 1679). His great grandfather was a tax farmer Sven Månsson in Näs in Rudskoga parish in Vermland. Sven Möhlman and Maria Leijel had a son, Jacob Möhlman, enobled Möhlman Nr. 1663, born 1685, died unmarried in 1761, and ended himself his noble lineage, apprentice at Svea Court of Appeal and ironmaster at Hammarby, known for being very well-read and owner of a precious library. In 1706 Maria Leijel married the governor of Gottland Peter Schnack, enobled Snack Nr. 1132, in his fourth marriage, born in 1632 in Nyköping, died 1713 in Stockholm and was buried in Jacob's Church, where his Coat of Arms was set up. He closed his noble lineage although he in his first three marriages had altogether 18 children, of whom 12 were sons. In his second marriage Jacob Leijel also got a son Adam Leijel, d.y, born 1658 in Stockholm, died there in 1729, unmarried. He owned amongst others Hammarby Mill and Brostorps forge in Nora parish and Norrby Mill in Fellingsbro parish. He invested considerable costs in Mining improvement, particularly as regards the finer iron forges and production of different types of plates; also spent the utmost care on Hellefors silver works establishment, for which he was elevated to the nobility in 1717, with retention of the name Leijel and introduced to the House of Nobility as Nr. 1533, and ended his noble lineage. In his will, he showed great generosity both towards his relatives and towards several foundations. Thus, one of his nephews, the aforementioned Jacob Möhlman, received, apart from his inheritance, 120,000 daler copper coins, for those days a considerable sum, and several other people minor sums. 60,000 daler was awarded to Uppsala Academy for four scholarships. To a poorhouse (retirement home) at Hammarby Mill he donated 12,000 daler copper coins. The testament regarding this is dated March 19, 1729 and witnessed by Edvard Plaan and John Rosenstolpe. II. David Leijel, the elder, Patrick Lyell's second son, was born in Aberbrothok in Scotland in 1621 and came in 1638 with his three brothers to Sweden. He was a merchant in Stockholm and ironmaster at Elfkarleby and Härnäs and died in 1676 in Stockholm and lies buried along with his wife in the Leijel family grave in Elfkarleby. Married in 1655 in Gävle with Catarina Honnon, born in 1635 in Gävle, died in 1670 in Stockholm, the daughter of the merchant in Gefle Hans Honnon of Scottish ancestry, and Anna Grubb of German descent. They received two sons: A) David Leijel, the younger, born 1660, died 1727, Mining Counselor, enobled Leijel Nr. 1532, and A) David Leijel, the younger, born in 1660 in Stockholm, leased Elfkarleby Mill in 1678, became apprentice in the Court of Appeal in 1683, the Board of Mines in 1688, Leader of the miners in Roslagen and in Vesternorrland 1691, Assessor of Bergskollegium 1714, Council of mines at parting in 1722, died in 1727 in Elfkarleby. He was knighted in 1716 with retention of the name Leijel and introduced to the House of Nobility in 1719 under number 1532. Married in 1692 to Margaret Lundia Mörling, born in 1667, died 1737, daughter of Court of Appeal clerk Lars Svensson Lundius and Carin Wulff, who remarried audit Secretary Lars Månsson Mörling, enobled Mörling Nr. 1130, born 1630, died 1689, son of the vicar Måns in Mörlunda parish of Kalmar. A farmer in Mörlunda parish, named Lars, had a son Håkan Larsson Mörling. Whether the vicar Måns and farmer Lars were relatives, perhaps brothers, is not known but probably unlikely. The dealer Hakan Mörling’s son, vicar of Kristdala congregation in Kalmar County Olof Håkansson Mörling, born 1661, died in 1738, changed his surname to Meurling and became the ancestor for numerous surviving relatives. In his marriage David Leijel the younger received ten children, four daughters and six sons. Of the daughters three died in infancy, namely, Catarina, born 1694, died 1695, Catarina Helena, born 1704, died same year, and Eva, born 1709, died 1710. The fourth Anna Elisabeth, born in 1696, died in 1762 at Nygården in Elfkarleby, became in 1721 married to notary in the College of Mines Eric Odelstierna Nr. 1362, born 1696, died 1730. Of the six sons, four died without founding a family, namely: David Leijel, born 1693, died 1737, director of Elfkarleby Mill; Jacob Leijel, born 1703, died 1730, e.o. secretary at the College of Commerce, apprentice in the chamber audit. Johan Leijel, born in 1706, lived without office in Fläringe at Elfkarleby and Carl Leijel, born in 1707, a volunteer at the Admiralty, made several voyages. He died in spring 1735 during a trip from the Caribbean. The other two were: 1) Lars Leijel, born 1698 in Fläringe, died in 1763, became a volunteer at Upplands Ståndsdragon Regiment in 1716, sergeant in Upplands Infantry Regiment in 1717, ensign in 1718, Lieutenant in 1734, Captain in 1743, head of Rasbo company in 1744, Major in 1758, and received resignation in 1762. He attended the campaign in Norway in 1718 and under siege by Fredrikshall. Married 1735 to Margareta Wendelin, born 1712 in Norrbärke, daughter of shopkeeper and Mill Master Wendelin in Falun. He received six children, of whom one son Wilhelm Lars, born in 1737, and a daughter Margareta Kristina, born in 1738, both passed away in 1740. The other four were: Eva Maria5 , born 1745, died 1824 in Uppsala. Married in 1765 with the captain at Uppland Regiment since the fortification Alexander Magnus Hård af Segerstad Nr. 17, born 1729, died in 1786. Pehr Gustaf Leijel, born 1740, died in 1809 at Haneberg in Enåkers parish in Vestmanland, died in 1786, volunteer at Uppland Regiment in 1754, second ensign 1759, staff ensign 1767, ensign division in 1770, Lieutenant in 1771, staff Captain in 1776. Married the same year with Sofia Gustafva Tigerhjelm, born 1759, died 1827, daughter of hunting master of the court Seved Gustaf Tigerhjelm Nr. 817, in his first marriage to Elisabeth Charlotta Anckarström and received four daughters, namely: Margareta Sophia, born 1778, died 1850, married in 1807 with the Provost and vicar of Vestra Löfsta parish of Västerås diocese, master Georg Fredrik Fant, born 1768, died 1823, Ulrika, born 1779, died 1789, Johanna Gustafva, born 1784, died 1752, unmarried, and Lovisa Carolina, born 1790, died 1846, unmarried. Lars Fredrik Leijel, born 1743, died in 1808 in Uppsala, was entered into military service in 1755, became a sergeant in Uppland Regiment in 1760, king’s guard 1765, lieutenant in the Army in 1769, dismissed. He was afterwards Director of Music at Uppsala Academy and appears to have obtained this position, for which he was inappropriate, as a sinecure. His work in this capacity is depicted in »General Musiklexicon» by Tobias Norlind thus: »Leijel, best known through the Music Trials, seems to have been a very bad teacher and musician; appeared, however, not infrequently at concerts in Uppsala during the early 1800s. Beskow characterizes him in his »Living Memories» like this - played a wretched violin and, after hearing the Academy Orchestra during his performance, can probably grasp that Hans Järtas painting of music by Prince Gustaf’s birth November 9, 1799 (written in defense of the accused in Music Trial) was by nature. Leijel was mentioned not infrequently in Geijers letter. » The Music Trial was a voluminous trial in Uppsala in 1800, employed against some students who refused to play in the academic band exercises. Dir. mus. Leijel had on docent Gustaf Abraham Silfverstolpe’s advice chosen to play at a party in celebration of King Gustaf IV Adolf coronation April 4, 1800 the piece "La Bataille de Fleurus," a very famous and popular “music” composition of Hessler, in which the Marseillaise was added. At the last moment this came to Academy principal magnificus, Professor Emanuel Ekman’s knowledge and in the morning of the same day that the party would be held, he forbade the Bataille de Fleurus to be played as the Marseillaise was included in the piece. The men in the student Band who were opposed to this - all of them except 4 - with Silfverstolpe in the lead, refused to participate in the rehearsal of the new number as presented by Leijel, on the pretext that the new piece, a symphony of Haydon, was too difficult, which clearly was only a pretext. Then in consequence the music became very bad, since it was performed only by Leijel himself and the four Band members who were not opposed, so that general offense and scandal arose, and charges were brought against the "strikers". Silfverstolpe, then associate professor, was deposed for this prank and banished forever from Uppsala and Leijel missed continuing as director of the music choir. Lars Fredrik Leijel concluded a marriage in 1780 to Helena Dorothea Bratt, born 1763, died 1852, daughter of Assessor and mill owner Henry Bratt, born 1725 died in 1779 at Rottneros in Vermland and Helena Catarina Chenon born 1725, died in 1786. The family Bratt derived originally from Norway and in King Sverre’s story, there is a Bardr Bratt. The Norwegian documents dated 1200-1500s mention several people by the name Bratt. The word originally had the meaning proud and haughty, and even in Norway and Vermland was used in the sense of the angry and inaccessible. One branch of the family moved in Sweden, where Nils Bratt »for his trust and benevolent service» to King Charles VIII Knutsson was knighted on December 28, 1456. One of his descendants, Nils Jonsson, introduced in the House of Lords, when it was formed in 1625 with the name Bratt af Höglunda Nr. 49 and this lineage survives yet. Another descendant of Nils Bratt, namely Anders Bratt, was married to a commoner and therefore forfeited his inheritance, according to the custom. He laid aside the family name Bratt and adopted his wife's name Bånge. His son Anders, died in 1667, resumed the name Bratt and became mill patron at Brattfors in Brattfors parish in Vermland and progenitor of the branch from Vermland of which numerous survive. The dynasty Chenon is a French noble family, which had two blue doves in their Coat-of-Arms. They came to Sweden at the end of the 1500s with Denis Chenon, who called himself Paschilius which then was changed to the more “Swedish” Pake and became a miner in Vermland. His son Denik Påkesson (Denis Paschilius), born 1625, died 1689, alderman in Filipstad, received his son Johan (Dionysius), born 1659, died 1741, Master of Arts and prostate in Wedge pastorate in Vermland. He retook the surname Chenon and his granddaughter is mentioned above as Helena Catarina Chenon. Lars Fredrik Leijel received in his marriage two daughters Carolina Lovisa born in 1784, died young, and Henrietta, born 1786, died 1787, and a son Lars Henry, (according to Anrep, Carl Henrik Leijel), born 1781, died 1844 in Stockholm, ensign in the Dal regiment, resignation in 1809. Married twice, first in 1813 with Abrahamina Frederica Löwenhielm, born in 1792, died in 1837 in Bynsberg Bro parish Vermland; the marriage was dissolved by divorce. Her parents were Major Frederick Löwenhielm Nr. 1791, born 1750, died 1822 and Maria Hedvig Hülphers, born 1767, died in 1822 in Åmal. Married second time with Fredrika Lovisa Blomgren. Family Hülphers derived from Schmalkalden in Germany and came to Sweden around 1630 with two brothers Hans and Jannik Hülphers. The family name is considered taken from Hilphershausen in the principality Koburg. In his first marriage Lars Henrik Leijel received a son Frederick Leijel. born 1813 in Kila parish in Vermland, died in 1862 in Alingsås, a student in Uppsala 1829, graduated Pharmacy exam there in 1833 and pharmacist exam 1837, received the same year employment at the pharmacy in Alingsås and managed it from 1839, when its owner, apothecary Johan Petter Jansson, born 1796, died at the pharmacy and the following year he became the holder of Alingsås pharmacy through marriage with his predecessor's widow, Kristina Tenggren, born 1800 at Lygneholm in Alingsås rural parish, died 1884, daughter of Inspector Nils Tenggren. Lars Henrik Leijel married for the second time in 1830 in Nyttorp in Sollentuna parish in Uppland with Fredrika Lovisa Blomgren, born in 1806 in Stockholm, died in 1882 in Gothenburg. In this marriage he received six children, namely: 2) Pehr Leijel, born 1700, died 1765, became a apprentice in the College of Mines, jurist at Sala silver mine and inspector at Sala Crown works. Married in 1734 to Anna Catarina Barck, born in 1710 in Falun, a daughter of mine inspector in Filipstad Petter Larsson Barck, born 1680, died 1721, and Anna Catarina Brandberg, born in 1687, died in 1766. The family Barck originated from the sacristan in Vestra-Fernebo parish in Vestmanland Pehr Larsson. His son Laurentius Petri Ferneboenis, born 1601, died 1673, became rector of the reinvested school and dean of the Vester-Dalarne. His children called themselves after Söderbärke parish Barchius or Barck. One of his sons is Samuel Larsson Barck, born 1662, died 1743, who became councilor and reached a count dignity. A grandson of Laurentus Petri Ferneboensis is the above mentioned Master miner Petter Larsson Barck. The family Brandberg’s first definitely known ancestor was the dealer in Hudiksvall Per Sigfridsson, who lived during the latter half of the 1500s and early 1600s. His son Erik Persson on the Åsen, born 1606 in Hudiksvall, died in 1675, was mining in Falun and carried on trade in Lübeck. He became an alderman in Falun in 1641, Director of Vedkompaniet 1664 and later in Grafverätten, he took up the family name Brandberg. Two of his sons were knighted, Peter Brandberg, ironmaster at Engelberg in Vestmanland, in 1684 with the name Cederberg and introduced in the House of Nobility under the number 1063, and over- auditor of the Swedish auxiliary troops on the Rhine Anders Brandberg in 1690, also retaining the name Brandberg. He took no introduction to the House of Nobility and his noble lineage ended with him when he died the following year in Wismar. Pehr Leijel received in his marriage thirteen children, nine daughters and four sons. Four of the daughters died in tender years, namely Margareta Catarina, born 1735, died 1737, Anna Elisabeth, born 1737, died 1739, Elisabeth Johanna, born 1745, died 1746, and Margareta Elisabeth, born 1747, died 1751. The other five reached mature age and married, namely: Of Pehr Leijel’s four sons, two died shortly after the birth, the oldest David, born in 1738, and Pehr born in 1739. The third Pehr Leijel, born 1746, apprentice in the College of Mines died unmarried in 1764 and the fourth, Johan Adam Leijel, born in 1749, passed away at the age of twelve in 1761 and was at that time enrolled as a student at Uppsala University. B) Johan Leijel, born in 1664, died in 1744 in Stockholm and buried in Clara Church, to which he donated a precious hourglass, became a student in Uppsala 1773, apprentice at the town hall and Commercial Councillor in Stockholm in 1685, alderman in 1706, and trade mayor in 1731. He was the city's delegate at the national day in 1713-14, 1719 and 1723. Married twice, first in 1696 with Catarina Ehrencrona, born in 1696, died in 1709 (according to Anrep 1711). Her parents were Mining Inspector Erik Hammarin, Nobil. Ehrencrona no. 879, born 1651, died 1685 and Catarina Futtje daughter of shopkeeper in Falun Frans Futtje, belonging to a French immigrant family and Kristina. Honnon, married the second time in 1711 with Margareta Hising, born 1688, died 1772, daughter of the mayor of politics in Köping Carl Hissing, born 1646, died in 1703 and Barbara Petre. The family Hising derived from Olof Hising, a farmer's son from the island Hisingen outside Gothenburg, earned his way up from enlisted man to vice admiral and Commanding Officer in Kungsör during Erik XIV's time. Members of the family have been ennobled as Hisinger no. 2002 and Hisingsköld no. 2101, but these lineages are extinct in Sweden. In Finland a noble and a baronial family Hisinger survives. Johan Leijel received in his first marriage four children, two daughters and two sons. Oldest daughter Catarina, born 1699, died 1700, the youngest Anna Margareta, born 1703, died 1761, was married in 1724 with the Assessor of Mines Hans Bjerchenius, born 1691, died 1750. Their two sons were knighted as af Bjerkén no. 1995. The eldest son Johan Leijel, born 1697, died in 1710 when enrolled as a student in Uppsala. The youngest Erik Leijel, born 1702, died the same year. In his second marriage Johan Leijel received three daughters and four sons. The eldest daughter Barbro, born 1724, died young. The second oldest. Helena Regina, born 1726, died 1805, came the first time in 1747 into matrimony with President Secretary Samuel Lütkeman, belonging to a German family, who was knighted in Sweden in 1773 to Lütkeman no. 2028. Her second marriage in 1754 was with lieutenant in the Dal Regiment Johan Carl Ekenberg no. 476, born 1725, died 1761. The youngest daughter Christina died young. The eldest son of the second marriage, Johan Leijel, born in 1712, "weak in health", died in 1763 unmarried. The second son was Carl, born 1714, died 1717. The third Peter Leijel, born 1717, died 1781, was an apprentice at Stockholm's courts in 1735, criminal law clerk at the city court 1745, law clerk at the Justice College and magistrate 1754 and law clerk at the Town Hall in 1757. After three attempts at the magistrate's proposed vacant alderman position, but having been passed over each time, he received in 1763 a so-called "Reparationsfullmakt “ and right to the next or fourth time was tacked on to alderman's proposal. This occurred next year and in 1765 he received the power of attorney as city secretary. In 1746 he married Elisabeth Cogell, born 1728, died 1798, daughter of the apothecary August Christian Cogell and Brita Eleonora Ziervogel. He received three daughters, Margareta Eleonora, born in 1749, married in 1768 with the colonel and commander at Vaxholm Johan Gustaf von Drake, born 1726, died 1792, Eva, born 1751, died 1753, and Hedwig, born in 1756, died in 1757. Johan Leijel’s fourth son from his second marriage, Carl Leijel, born in 1718, died in 1789, at Hvalstad in Gladhammar parish of Kalmar County, became apprentice in the College of Mines in 1736, e.o. law clerk in 1740, Deputy analyist 1744, regular analyist 1747, Acting Mining Master in Södermanland and Östergötland 1752, Mining Master with full powers in 1759, Mining Master in Vermland 1764, resigned as Mining Councillor in 1787. He married Ulrika Ekenberg in 1853, born 1722, died 1764, daughter of Captain of Horse Lorentz Ekenberg no. 476 in Hvalstad and Juliana Elisabeth Königsheim no. 1345. He received three daughters and three sons. All the daughters passed away at a young age unmarried, namely Margaretha Juliana, born 1754, died 1777, Ulrika Augusta, born 1756, died 1764, and Helena Regina, born in 1757, died in 1773. The eldest of the three sons, Johan Carl Leijel, born in 1755, became in 1773 apprentice in the College of Mines, but died the same year, unmarried; the second eldest, Lorentz William Leijel, born in 1759, entered on January 28, 1785 into marriage with Gustafva Ulrika Wrangel af Sag och Wachsel, born 1764, died 1808, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Gustaf Ulrik Wrangel af Sag och Wachsel no. 1850 and Kristina Barbara von Stauden. He died, however, on December 17 the same year, and his widow four years later in 1789 again entered into marriage with her first husband's cousin's son- the Assessor Johan af Bjerkén no. 1995, born in 1763, died in 1823. She received from her first marriage a daughter Ulrika Barbara Leijel, born 1785, died 1813 in Stockholm, married to the secretary Johan Gustaf Lemke. Mining Councillor Carl Leijel’s youngest son Ulrik Leijel, born 1761, died 1795 at Hvalstad, became a second lieutenant in the King's Own Regiment, Lieutenant, married in 1784 with Mariana Ehrenmarck, born 1756, died 1798, daughter of Lieutenant Joshua Edward Ehrenmarck no. 1261 and Susanna Drangel, the daughter of the dean Drangel of a family which is considered to originate from Livonia. He obtained from their marriage six children, namely: Carl Leijel, born 1784, died 1799 at Hvalstad, sergeant, and with him expired the Leijel dynasty no. 1531. III. Adam Leijel, the elder, born 1623, died 1686, Patrik Lyell's third son, was a merchant in Stockholm. Married in the early 1660s with Helena Radou, born in the early 1640s, died in 1701. Her parents were merchant in Stockholm and ironworks owner Adam Radou, born about 1610, died in 1687 and his first wife, born Dress, daughter of the above-mentioned crown tenant of Nora and Lindes mining areas Anders Dress, born in 1652, and Elisabeth Schaeij, died 1673. Adam Radou’s father Jacob Radou had emmigrated from Scotland11 to Stockholm, where he became a prominent merchant. Of Adam Leijels elder children, five daughters, all married, with certainty known, namely: The ancestor of the clan Laurin in Sweden, Lars Olofsson, is believed to have belonged to a foreign noble family (with a laurel tree in red field in the coat-of-arms), and arrived about 1575 in Sweden, where he became a bailiff at Stegeborg and died in 1606 in Söderköping. Judith, married in 1707 with the Governor of St. Kopparberg County, president of the Reduction Committee in Pomerania Albrecht Lindberg, Nobil. Lindercreutz. born 1674, died 1744, and ended himself his noble lineage, and A son, or rather perhaps grandson, of Adam Leijel the Elder, probably lieutenant in Major General Baron Kruse’s Cavalry-Regiment Carl Leijel, who was with his regiment at Dnieprströmmen and taken prisoner after the battle of Pultowa and taken to Tobolsk in Siberia, where he was beaten to death during a mob riot which suddenly occurred in April 29, 1712, while a devastating fire destroyed the city. The Swedish prisoners were about to successfully suppress the rampaging fire when they were unexpectedly assaulted by a frenzied armed mob , which the malevolent agitators had led to believe that it was precisely the Swedes, who fired the city in order to murder and plunder its inhabitants. A score of officers lost their lives. IV. Henric Leijel, born 1627, died 1710, the youngest of Patrick Lyell’s four sons who migrated to Sweden, became a merchant in Stockholm and factory owner of Elfkarleby and Härnäs ironworks. Married in 1663 with Juditha Rokes, died 1705, daughter of the merchant in Lübeck Baltzar Rokes. He received two daughters and a son. Oldest daughter Emerentia, born 1667, died 1700, concluded a marriage in 1681 with alderman in Stockholm, commerce Mayor and Chairman of Embetskollegium Mårten Bunge, born 1630, died 1694, in his second marriage. According to Anrep’s Ättartaflor Emerentia Leijel was born on 25 February 1667 and married on 14 August 1681, thus when only 14 1/2 years, which seems less likely, whence either the year of birth or marriage year - or perhaps both - would be incorrect. Mårten Bunge was first married to Margaret Jernstedt, born 1631, died 1677, daughter of the castle bailiff and magistrate in Vesterås, ironmaster Jacob Henricsson Jernstedt and Barbara Hising. The family Bunge descended from Jacob Bunge, who lived in the 1500s and was an official in Holstein. He was a wealthy man but lost all his property during a violent flood. His son Jacob Jacobsson Bunge, who died in 1630, came to Sweden and became a merchant in Gävle and leaseholder of customs office there. His son, the above-mentioned Mårten Bunge, whose youngest son of his first marriage Henric Bunge, born 1672, died 1737, was enobled and a Baron. Henric Leijel’s youngest daughter Eva, born 1668, died 1689, in 1684 entered into matrimony with commissioner in the Commercial College Henric Insen, enobled as Insenstjerna no. 1421, died in 1701. His father Henric Insen, born in 1652 in Holland, came to Sweden and became a merchant in Stockholm, married to Catarina Rossio. Henric Leijel’s son Adam Leijel, born 1669, died 1744, apprentice in the College of Mines, became Master of Mines in East and West Dalarna in 1700, Assessor of Mines 1713, Mining Councillor in 1730, and obtained the title of Provincial Governor in 1744, shortly before his death. He was knighted in 1717, while retaining the family name Leijel and was introduced in 1719 in the House of Nobility under number 1531. Married in 1713 at Biby in Gillberga parish in Södermanland with Hedvig Lucia Lohe, born 1684, died 1770, daughter of the mill owner and director of the sugar mill in Stockholm Johan Lohe, enobled Lohe no. 1389, born 1643, died 1704, and buried in Eskilstuna church in the Lohe family tomb, and Anna Blume of German descent. Johan Lohe’s grandfather Johan Lohe was merchant in the town Jewer in Westphalen. Adam Leijel received in his marriage three daughters and a son. Oldest daughter Anna, born 1714, died 1753, was married in 1741 with the Councillor in the Commercial College, Governor Lars Jacob Adlerstedt no. 1223, born 1699, died 1756. The second oldest Hedvig, born, 1715. died in 1716 and the youngest Hedvig, born 1719, died in 1763, in 1745 married Councillor in the Chamber College Johan Wulfvenstjerna no. 1007, died in 1763. Adam Leijels only son Henric Leijel, born in 1717, became a apprentice in the College of Mines. He inherited from her mother sizable lands and factory property. He sold them and moved to England, having to pay before leaving a property tax of 10% on the evaluated capital. He was declared in England to be the universal heir to his two rich uncles Henric and Baltzar Lyell, who were directors of the English East India Company, and died childless. He was naturalized in England as esquire of Bourn in Cambridgeshire but died leaving no sons, and thus closed with his hand on the sword this branch of the family Leijel no. 1531. Married in England with Catarina Allestrec and received a daughter Catarina, married in 1783 with John Richard West, the fourth Earl De La Warr, Viscount and Baron Cantelupe De La Warr in England, born 1758, died 1795. A Barbro Leijel, died in 1734, has not been identified12. She was married in 1698 for the second time in Nicholas parish in Stockholm with Jesper Stenort, born in the late 1600s in Stockholm, where his father was captain, died in 1741. He was trading in Stockholm and became alderman in 1708. He received a gracious farewell in 1737 »for age and morbidity sake" with a mayor's rank and salary plus the freedom of the city in retirement. He was the owner of Tullinge in Botkyrka parish near Stockholm. A Lars Leijel has not been identified. He was quartermaster in Uppland Regiment on January 1, 1799 with salary in no. 89 Company of the Lieutenant-Colonel’s Company. About him nothing further is known.
Source: Kultur- och personhistoriska anteckningar. Del 3 Oscar Fredrik Strokirk1 (1860-1902) Link Translation to English by Peter Leyel and Mats Eriksson
Notes by Peter Lyell: 1 Captain Oscar Fredrik Strokirk (1860-1902), book Kultur- och personhistoriska anteckningar was published in 1915. His notes on the Leijel Family come from pages 175-195 of volume 3. 2 Aberbrothok is the old name of the present-day town of Arbroath in County Angus on the east coast of Scotland. 3 Here Strokirk is mistaken. Both Henric Lyell and his brother Baltzar Lyell were the sons of Adam Lyell of Arbroath’s grandson Henric Leijel and his wife Judith Rokes. They were both born in Sweden and then went to England where they became directors of the East India Company in London. Patrik Lyell, bailee in Arbroath, was the son of Adam. 4 Eldest daughter of Jacob Leijel and Margareta Eden was Gertud, not Margareta. Gertrud married Johannes Brodinius in 1663. See source: Nordisk familjebok 1905 vol 4 pages 225-6. and also Klercker-Mattons genealogiska samling in the National Library, Stockholm, Leijel doc tab 2. (27311). Also see Johannes Brodinius, Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon (SBH), published 1906. Actually, it is clear that Strokirk meant to write Gertrud here as he goes on to call Brodinius’s wife Gertrud. 5 Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon (1906) Authors: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson Page 532, gives her name as Eva Ulrika Leijel. See also Gabriel Anrep , Svenska Adeln Ättar-Taflor, Stockholm 1861, page 632 Tab.2. 6 Henriette Louisa Leijel died on 19 May 1904 in Göteborg, Sweden. She was a celebrated concert pianist and gave several very successful concerts in Turku, Finland in the 1850s. See Historical dictionary of the music and musicians of Finland, Ruth-Esther B. Hillila, Barbara B. Hong, 1997. 7 Henrik Abraham Leijel died on 23 February 1834 (see 8 Laura Abrahamina Leijel died unmarried on 9 July 1898 (see 9 Hildegard Augusta Leijel died in Stockholm on 10 September 1853. (see 10 Emma Swan was born on 31 December 1837 in Sunderland, County Durham, England. (Birth certificate). She died in 1922 in Brentford, Middlesex County, England. 11 Jacob Radou was born ca. 1580 in Liége, Belgium and came to Sweden from Belgium in 1608, where he married Helena de Besche in Stockholm in 1609. 12 Barbro Leijel was born ca. 1661 to Jacob Leijel (1612-78) and Barbara Maria Dress (1632-94). She married first Petter Stebehen in 1695 and secondly Jesper Steenort in 1698. (see Storkyrko Marriages 1609-1700 Rev 1 (2001)) 13 This is a mistake in the original Strokirk document. Margareta Eden died in 1653 not 1683.