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This is the nobility letter for Adam Leijel where his works are described and with the signature of king Carl XII.
The original is kept at the National Archives
Note the King's use of "we" when it comes to himself.
We Carl .PP. Makes as We with royal favor in grace happy to consider them of Our faithful subjects who not only through the study and collection of useful sciences done to Our and the Fatherland’s service and later through faithful service demonstrated so well by their acquired knowledge of their love, faith and spirituality. So We have now with Us come in gracious remembrance of the faithful servant and assessor in Our “Bergskollegium” lovable Adam Leijell, which from his youth practiced in the literary arts both at the academy in Uppsala and several universities abroad and resided for a few years at the noblest mining works thereby winning a perfect knowledge of the areas belonging to the mines correct operation and management and later as apprentice in Our Bergskollegium held until he in the year 1700 became in Our gracious proxy appointed to Mining Master in eastern and western mining areas thereby and numerous to him entrusted ordinances, he won his superiors’ good accolades and demonstrated such good proof of his skill that We likewise in 1713 graciously have been persuaded to recommend him as assessor in Our “Bergskollegium” which he to Our gracious pleasure represents and because he at these and several commissions in the Mining Areas handles so skillfully and sincerely and thus made themselves further Our gracious favor and remembrance worthy, We have to reward him and his business knowledge with the gracious bounty of its commendable condition, hereby and by virtue of this Our open letter, of the Royal Power and authority required to indulge in, donate and give him and his true heirs, women as males, both born and unborn noble position and value, as subsequent Coat-of-Arms as their ancestors in Scotland heretofore used, namely a blue shield with a chevron of gold between three crosses of the same metal. On top of the shield is an open tournament helmet, from which a red lion rises, holding by the right paw, a lily of gold and blue wreath and foliage are of gold and blue, just like this shield with its true colours stand here as painted. We also allow him and the heirs to retain their last name Leyell as well as the above mentioned shield mark to bring and use in all noble and chivalrous acts and social, such as tournaments, “ringränning” and all other occasions as in joke and in seriousness to their own will and pleasure, equally with other nobles of Our Realm, and in addition utilize all the privileges of freedom and rights as chivalry and nobility are given or henceforth confer. We are asking for the sake of all Potentates, Emperors, Kings, Princes, free Republics, as well as any other to everyone's sovereignty and value, favor and kindness and so inviting and commanding everyone in general and each one in particular who with obedience and obedience are connected, that they recognize Adam Leyell, and their children and genuine heirs of the right nobles, be upright to him and them the honor and glory that this position apply, not make him or them any obstacle, hurt or detriment of any motto. Furthermore, We have signed this with our own signature and confirmed below with our large royal seal. Lund, the 23rd day of April year after Christ's birth seventeen hundred and seventeen.
Lund , April 23, 1717. Shield Letter for Assessor Adam Leijel
Interpretation of the original text: Rita Westerlund